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Hey, I'm Samuel, I'm a 21 years old student studying computer science. I really like computers / electronics and board design / radio communication stuff like satellites / 3D Design and audiovisual stuff. I currently live in Alsace, France.

38 Posts - Page 2:

Running an ACME in my homelab

Running an ACME in my homelab

Running the open-source step-ca ACME server to provision SSL certificates in my homelab

January 1, 2023
Automating my Outlook calendars

Automating my Outlook calendars

Making my life easier by creating a simple python script to generate Outlook meetings from an Excel spreadsheet.

December 1, 2022
Adding a C14 connector to my Mikrotik switch

Adding a C14 connector to my Mikrotik switch

Recently, I bought some used mikrotik CRS326-24G-2S+RM These switches are remarkable 1g switches for the price, but they have one flaw: they use an external power adapter So, I decided to add an IEC C14 connector to it.

November 6, 2022
Rendering SVG with KiCad scripting API

Rendering SVG with KiCad scripting API

The adventure of rendering SVGs with KiCad pcbnew python api.

What I wanted to do was pretty simple, at least I thought, I wanted to replicate the comportment of the "Export → SVG" button in KiCad.

September 1, 2022
Too cold? Let's predict things!

Too cold? Let's predict things!

Writing a NodeRed flow to determine when my pool will be at an acceptable temperature using the sun and maths

August 17, 2022
Keeping it cool, automating a window

Keeping it cool, automating a window

Let's make a completely overkill project to automate my skylight and integrate it with HomeAssistant.

August 1, 2022
Let's talk about WireGuard

Let's talk about WireGuard

Let's see what WireGuard, the fastest and newest VPN protocol, can offer us.

August 1, 2022
TurtleAuth 2.1: A design for everyday use

TurtleAuth 2.1: A design for everyday use

Making a updated and sturdier second version of TurtleAuth, my stm32 based GNUK and U2F tokens

April 11, 2022
Fixing a dev worst nightmare

Fixing a dev worst nightmare

Stack Overflow having some kind of maintenance is scary. In this post, I'm solving this once and for all by hosting a local copy of the answers.

February 11, 2022
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